Assessing Usefulness of Databases for Evidence Synthesis
About this vignette
In the process of developing search strategies for evidence synthesis, it is standard practice to test different versions of a search in the main database and examine the records gained and lost with changes to the search string and to test different searches against a set of already known relevant studies (i.e., benchmark studies). In this way, the right balance between precision and sensitivity can be achieved prior to screening.
Until now, this within-database testing has been the primary method of pre-screening search validation. With CiteSource, we can now test search strategies across databases, to assess the usefulness of certain databases in a search before finalizing our database set. This adds another layer of pre-screening search validation that can further improve precision and sensitivity. This vignette provides a workflow for testing a search strategy across multiple databases and against a set of benchmark studies.
In this example, we are running a search about loneliness and gambling addiction. We developed a search strategy for PsycInfo, our main database. Now, we’d like to see if searching other databases like Web of Science and PubMed add useful records and help us find more of our benchmark studies.
Installation of packages and loading libraries
Use the following code to install CiteSource. Currently, CiteSource lives on GitHub, so you may need to first install the remotes package. This vignette also uses functions from the ggplot2 and dplyr packages.
#Install the remotes packages to enable installation from GitHub
#Install CiteSource
#Load the necessary libraries
Import files from multiple sources
Users can import multiple RIS or bibtex files into CiteSource, which the user can label with source information such as database or platform.
#Import citation files from folder
citation_files <- list.files(path= "valid_data", pattern = "\\.ris", full.names = TRUE)
#Print citation_files to double check the order in which R imported our files. This will typically default to alphabetical, but it is worth checking as in the next step, we assign each file to a group based on their order.
#> [1] "valid_data/benchmark.ris" "valid_data/psycinfo_64.ris"
#> [3] "valid_data/pubmed_46.ris" "valid_data/WoS_79.ris"
#Read in citations and specify sources. Here we note the sources of our three database searches and then add labels corresponding to their status as benchmark studies or as a database search.
citations <- read_citations(citation_files,
cite_sources = c(NA, "psycinfo", "pubmed", "wos"),
cite_labels = c("benchmark", "search", "search", "search"),
tag_naming = "best_guess")
#> Import completed - with the following details:
#> file cite_source cite_string cite_label citations
#> 1 benchmark.ris <NA> <NA> benchmark 13
#> 2 psycinfo_64.ris psycinfo <NA> search 64
#> 3 pubmed_46.ris pubmed <NA> search 46
#> 4 WoS_79.ris wos <NA> search 79
Deduplication and source information
CiteSource allows users to merge duplicates while maintaining information in the cite_source metadata field. Thus, information about the origin of the records is not lost in the deduplication process. The next few steps produce the dataframes that we can use in subsequent analyses.
#Dedup citations. This yields a dataframe of all records with duplicates merged, but the originating source information maintained in a new variable called cite_source.
unique_citations <- dedup_citations(citations)
#Count number of unique and non-unique citations from different sources and labels.
n_unique <- count_unique(unique_citations)
#For each unique citation, determine which sources were present
source_comparison <- compare_sources(unique_citations, comp_type = "sources")
Plot heatmap to compare source overlap
Heatmap by number of records
A heatmap can tell us the total number of records retrieved from each database, and can be used to compare the number of overlapping records found in each pair of databases. In this example, we can see that Web of Science yielded the highest number of records on gambling addiction and loneliness, and PubMed the least.
#Generate source comparison heatmap
Heatmap by percentage of records
Another way of visualizing this is a heatmap with percent overlap. We
can use the plot_type
argument to produce a percentage
heatmap as follows. The total number of records appears in gray. The
percentages indicate the share of records in a row also found in a
column. For example, here we see that 55% of the records in Web of
Science were also found in PsycInfo Conversely, 44% of records in
PsycInfo were found in Web of Science.
#Generate heatmap with percent overlap
plot_source_overlap_heatmap(source_comparison, plot_type = "percentages")
Plot an upset plot to compare source overlap
An upset plot is another way of visualizing overlap and provides a bit more detail about the number of shared and unique records. Here, we can see that Web of Science had the most unique records not found in any other database (n=29), and PubMed only had four unique records. Twenty-four records were found in every database.
#Generate a source comparison upset plot.
plot_source_overlap_upset(source_comparison, decreasing = c(TRUE, TRUE))
Bar plots of unique and shared records
Bar plots can be another way of looking at overlap and uniqueness of
database contributions to a search. We can use the CiteSource
function plot_contributions
to plot a bar chart of numbers
of unique and overlapping records. We can also add our benchmark studies
into this chart to view the unique and non-unique contributions of each
database to our benchmark set. In this example….
#Generate bar plot of unique citations PER database and their contribution to the benchmark studies
center = TRUE)
Analyzing unique contributions
As we do when testing different search strategies in a single
database, we can look at the unique contributions to determine if those
contributions are useful or not. In other words, given the total number
of records the database adds to our search, do the unique contributions
justify the amount of additional screening time that will be required if
we choose to include this database in our final search? Thus, let’s look
more closely at the records that are only found in each database and not
appearing anywhere else. We can make use of the output of the
function. We use the dplyr function
to find the unique records contributed by single
sources. We then use the inner_join
function to regain the
bibliographic data by merging on record IDs with the unique_citations
dataframe we generated above in the deduplication process.
#Get unique records from each source and add bibliographic data
unique_psycinfo <- n_unique %>%
dplyr::filter(cite_source=="psycinfo", unique == TRUE) %>%
dplyr::inner_join(unique_citations, by = "duplicate_id")
unique_pubmed <- n_unique %>%
dplyr::filter(cite_source=="pubmed", unique == TRUE) %>%
dplyr::inner_join(unique_citations, by = "duplicate_id")
unique_wos <- n_unique %>%
dplyr::filter(cite_source=="wos", unique == TRUE) %>%
dplyr::inner_join(unique_citations, by = "duplicate_id")
#To save these dataframes to a csv file for review, use the export_csv function from CiteSource
#export_csv(unique_pubmed, "pubmed.csv")
Record-Level Table
Another way to inspect the contribution of benchmark studies by each
source is to use the CiteSource function
. We can filter our unique_citations
dataframe to only the benchmark studies and output a convenient table
that shows us which databases contained those studies.
#Get benchmark studies from unique_citations dataframe
unique_citations %>%
dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(cite_label, "benchmark")) %>%
record_level_table(return = "DT")
Search Summary Table
A search summary table can also be useful to assess each database for
unique contributions to a set of benchmark studies and to calculate
their sensitivity and precision scores. The CiteSource function
produces a useful table containing
these numbers.
#Generate search summary table
citation_summary_table(unique_citations, screening_label = c("benchmark"))
Sources |
Sensitivity | Precision | |
total | unique | unique | |||
search | |||||
wos | 79 | 29 | 25.89% | 70.54% | — |
psycinfo | 64 | 26 | 23.21% | 57.14% | — |
pubmed | 46 | 4 | 3.57% | 41.07% | — |
Total1 | 112 | 59 | 52.68% | — | — |
benchmark | |||||
wos | 6 | 2 | 15.38% | 46.15% | 7.59% |
psycinfo | 5 | 2 | 15.38% | 38.46% | 7.81% |
NA | 5 | 5 | 38.46% | 38.46% | — |
pubmed | 2 | 0 | 0.00% | 15.38% | 4.35% |
Total1 | 13 | 9 | 69.23% | — | 11.61% |
Included fields:
1 After deduplication |
Exporting for further analysis
We may want to export our deduplicated set of results (or any of our
dataframes) for further analysis or to save in a convenient format for
subsequent use. CiteSource offers a set of export functions
called export_csv
, export_ris
that will save any of our dataframes as a .csv
file, .ris file or bibtex file, respectively. You can also reimport
exported csv files to pick up a project or analysis without having to
start from scratch, or after making manual adjustments to a file.
Generate a .csv file. The separate argument can be used to create separate columns for cite_source, cite_label or cite_string to facilitate analysis.
#export_csv(unique_citations, filename = "unique-by-source.csv", separate = "cite_source")
Generate a .ris file and indicate custom field location for cite_source, cite_label or cite_string. In this example, we’ll be using Zotero, so we put cite_source in the DB field (which will appear as the Archive field in Zotero) and cite_labels into N1, creating an associated Zotero note file.
#export_ris(unique_citations, filename = "unique_citations.ris", source_field = "DB", label_field = "N1")
Generate a bibtex file and include data from cite_source, cite_label or cite_string.
#export_bib(unique_citations, filename = "unique_citations.bib", include = c("sources", "labels", "strings"))
Reimport a file generated with export_csv.
In summary
We can use CiteSource to evaluate the usefulness of different databases to an overall search strategy before screening. In this example, we found that both PsycInfo and Web of Science made unique contributions to our benchmark studies and both had a significant proportion of unique records compared to the other databases. On the otherhand, PubMed did not contribute any unique records to our benchmark studies, and mostly overlapped with PsycInfo and Web of Science. This provides us with some evidence to suggest that searching PubMed may not be an effective database for this topic.