This function imports RIS and Bibtex files with citations and merges them into one long tibble with one record per line.
files = NULL,
cite_sources = NULL,
cite_strings = NULL,
cite_labels = NULL,
metadata = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
tag_naming = "best_guess",
only_key_fields = TRUE
- files
One or multiple RIS or Bibtex files with citations. Should be .bib or .ris files
- cite_sources
The origin of the citation files (e.g. "Scopus", "WOS", "Medline") - vector with one value per file, defaults to file names.
- cite_strings
Optional. The search string used (or another grouping to analyse) - vector with one value per file
- cite_labels
Optional. An additional label per file, for instance the stage of search - vector with one value per file
- metadata
A tibble with file names and metadata for each file. Can be specified as an alternative to files, cite_sources, cite_strings and cite_labels.
- verbose
Should number of reference and allocation of labels be reported?
- tag_naming
Either a length-1 character stating how should ris tags be replaced (see details for a list of options), or an object inheriting from class
containing user-defined replacement tags.- only_key_fields
Should only key fields (e.g., those used by CiteCourse) be imported? If FALSE, all RIS data is retained. Can also be a character vector of field names to retain (after they have been renamed by the import function) in addition to the essential ones.
if (interactive()) {
# Import only key fields from the RIS files
read_citations(c("res.ris", "res.bib"),
cite_sources = c("CINAHL", "MEDLINE"),
cite_strings = c("Search1", "Search2"),
cite_labels = c("raw", "screened"),
only_key_fields = TRUE
# or equivalently
metadata_tbl_key_fields <- tibble::tribble(
~files, ~cite_sources, ~cite_strings, ~cite_labels, ~only_key_fields,
"res.ris", "CINAHL", "Search1", "raw", TRUE,
"res.bib", "MEDLINE", "Search2", "screened", TRUE
read_citations(metadata = metadata_tbl_key_fields)