Count number of unique and non-unique citations from different sources, labels, and strings
Count number of unique and non-unique citations from different sources, labels, and strings
# Load example data from the package
examplecitations_path <- system.file("extdata", "examplecitations.rds", package = "CiteSource")
examplecitations <- readRDS(examplecitations_path)
# Deduplicate citations
dedup_results <- dedup_citations(examplecitations)
#> formatting data...
#> Warning: Search contains missing values for the record_id column. A record_id will be created using row numbers
#> identifying potential duplicates...
#> identified duplicates!
#> flagging potential pairs for manual dedup...
#> 165 citations loaded...
#> 67 duplicate citations removed...
#> 98 unique citations remaining!
# Count unique and non-unique citations
#> # A tibble: 166 × 7
#> duplicate_id cite_source cite_label cite_string record_ids unique type
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr> <lgl> <fct>
#> 1 1001 DIM search NA 1001 TRUE uniq…
#> 2 1002 WoS search NA 1002, 1081 FALSE dupl…
#> 3 1002 DIM search NA 1002, 1081 FALSE dupl…
#> 4 1003 WoS search NA 1003 TRUE uniq…
#> 5 1004 LENS search NA 1004 TRUE uniq…
#> 6 1005 DIM search NA 1005, 1140 TRUE uniq…
#> 7 1005 DIM screened NA 1005, 1140 TRUE uniq…
#> 8 1006 DIM search NA 1006 TRUE uniq…
#> 9 1007 WoS search NA 1007, 1117, 1164 TRUE uniq…
#> 10 1007 WoS screened NA 1007, 1117, 1164 TRUE uniq…
#> # ℹ 156 more rows