This function saves deduplicated citations as a CSV file for further analysis and/or reporting. Metadata can be separated into one column per source, label or string, which facilitates analysis. Note that existing files are overwritten without warning.
filename = "citesource_exported_citations.csv",
separate = NULL,
trim_abstracts = 32000
- unique_citations
Dataframe with unique citations, resulting from
- filename
Name (and path) of file, should end in .csv
- separate
Character vector indicating which (if any) of cite_source, cite_string and cite_label should be split into separate columns to facilitate further analysis.
- trim_abstracts
Some databases may return full-text that is misidentified as an abstract. This inflates file size and may lead to issues with Excel, which cannot deal with more than 32,000 characters per field. Therefore, the default is to trim very long abstracts to 32,000 characters. Set a lower number to reduce file size, or NULL to retain abstracts as they are.
if (interactive()) {
# Load example data from the package
examplecitations_path <- system.file("extdata", "examplecitations.rds", package = "CiteSource")
examplecitations <- readRDS(examplecitations_path)
dedup_results <- dedup_citations(examplecitations, merge_citations = TRUE)
export_csv(dedup_results, "cite_sources.csv", separate = "cite_source")