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This function generates a formatted table that displays the precision and sensitivity (recall) metrics for each citation source, along with distinct records and phase-specific counts such as "screened" and "final".





A data frame containing phase-specific counts and calculated metrics for each citation source. It must include columns such as Source, Distinct_Records, final, Precision, Recall, and optionally screened.


A gt table object summarizing the precision and sensitivity metrics for each citation source, with relevant footnotes and labels.


The function first checks whether all values in the screened column are zero. If so, the column is removed from the table. The table is then generated using the gt package, with labeled columns and footnotes explaining the metrics.


# Example usage with a sample dataset
sample_data <- data.frame(
  Source = c("Source1", "Source2", "Total"),
  Distinct_Records = c(100, 150, 250),
  final = c(80, 120, 200),
  Precision = c(80.0, 80.0, 80.0),
  Recall = c(40.0, 60.0, 100.0),
  screened = c(90, 140, 230)
Record Counts & Precision/Sensitivity
Distinct Records1 Final Included2 Precision3 Sensitivity/Recall4 Screened Included5
Source1 100 80 80 40 90
Source2 150 120 80 60 140
Total 6 250 7 200 8 80 100 9 230
1 Number of records after internal source deduplication.
2 Number of citations included after full text screening.
3 Number of final included citations / Number of distinct records.
4 Number of final included citations / Total number of final included citations.
5 Number of citations included after title/abstract screening.
6 Total citations discovered (after internal and cross-source deduplication).
7 Total citations included after full text screening.
8 Overall Precision = Number of final included citations / Total distinct records.
9 Total citations included after Ti/Ab Screening.